This data includes meteorological observation data of Wudaoliang from January 1 to December 31, 2006. There are two tables with 30 minute output data and daily output data, and the measurement indicators include:_ Divided, downward shortwave radiation (w/㎡), upward shortwave radiation (w/㎡), downward longwave radiation (w/㎡), upward longwave radiation (w/㎡), net radiation (w/㎡), 3m wind speed (m/s), 3m wind direction (degree), standard deviation of wind direction 1 5m wind speed (m/s), 5m wind direction (degree), standard deviation of wind direction 2, 15m wind speed (m/s), 15m wind direction (degree), standard deviation of wind direction 3, 30m wind speed (m/s), 30m wind direction (degree), standard deviation of wind direction 4 3m air temperature (℃) 5m air temperature (℃) 15m air temperature (℃), 30m air temperature (℃), 3m air humidity (%), 5m air humidity (%), 15m air humidity (%), 30m air humidity (%) 3m air water pressure (KP) 5m air water pressure (KP) 15m air water pressure (KP), 30m air water pressure (KP), atmospheric pressure (P) p>
collect time | 2006/01/01 - 2006/12/31 |
collect place | Experimental Research Station for Cryosphere Observation on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau |
data size | 8.8 MiB |
data format | xlsx |
Coordinate system |
Autonomous production (instrument observation)
Raw data, unprocessed
Professional personnel are responsible for all stages of data acquisition and processing, and the data quality is good p>
# | title | file size |
1 | WDLMS_2006.txt | 2.9 MiB |
2 | WDLMS_2006.xls | 5.9 MiB |
©Copyright 2005-. Northwest Institute of Eco-Environment and Resources, CAS.
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