Vegetation functional type (PFT) is a combination of large plant species according to the ecosystem function and resource utilization mode of plant species. Each vegetation functional type shares similar plant attributes, which simplifies the diversity of plant species into the diversity of plant function and structure. The vegetation functional model has been used in the dynamic global vegetation model (DGVM) to predict the changes of ecosystem structure and function under the global change scenario. The one kilometer vegetation functional map of Heihe River Basin is based on the one kilometer land cover map of the Heihe River Basin (a subset of the Heihe River Basin of miclcover), which is divided by the vegetation functional climate rules proposed by Bonan et al (2002). Climate data use He Jie and Yang Kun, the 0.1-degree atmospheric driving data of China from 1981 to 2008. The map can be used in the study of land surface process model of Heihe River Basin.
collect time | 2000/01/01 - 2000/12/31 |
collect place | Heihe River Basin |
data size | 1.5 MiB |
data format | vector |
Coordinate system | WGS84 |
Projection |
One kilometer land cover map of Heihe River Basin (a subset of Heihe River Basin of miclcover)
Climate rules of vegetation function type proposed by Bonan et al (2002)
Good data quality
# | title | file size |
1 | 1公里植被功能型格网数据集-文档.rar | 1.3 MiB |
2 | Heihe_Plant_Functional_Types_Map.rar | 236.7 KiB |
Plant Vegetation functional type Ecological model Plant functional type
©Copyright 2005-. Northwest Institute of Eco-Environment and Resources, CAS.
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