The data set is the lake distribution map of Shule River Basin in 2000. The basin includes Subei Mongolia Autonomous Region, Guazhou City, Dunhuang City, Yumen City, Akesai Kazak and Subei Mongolia Autonomous Region. The scale is 1:250000. The projection is longitude and latitude. The data includes spatial data and attribute data. The attribute fields of lake are name and code.
collect time | 2000/01/01 - 2000/12/31 |
collect place | Shule River Basin |
data size | 779.9 KiB |
data format | Shapefile |
Coordinate system | WGS84 |
Projection | +proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs |
Distribution of lakes in Shule River Basin
Digital Vectorization
Data set quality control through strict manual audit
# | title | file size |
1 | Shulehe_Lakes.rar | 19.1 KiB |
2 | 疏勒河流域湖泊分布数据集-文档.rar | 760.8 KiB |
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