The data is digitized from the drawing, the desertification development degree map of Daqinggou area in Horqin grassland (1981). The specific information of the map is as follows:
Editor in chief: Zhu Zhenda
Editor: Feng Yusun
Drawn by: Feng Yusun, Yao Fafen, Wang Jianhua, Zhao Yanhua, Li Weimin
Cartographer: prepared by Desert Research Office of Chinese Academy of Sciences
Press: none yet
Scale: 1:50000
Publication time: no
Legends: gully dense forest, sparse woods, brush, artificial woodland, nursery and vegetable garden, grass land, dry farmland, abandoned farmland, marsh land, shifting sand dunes, semi shifting sand dunes Sand dunes, semi fixed sand dunes, fixed sand dunes, water area, rice, residential, highway
2. File format and naming
Data is stored in ESRI ShapeFile format, including the following layers:
Desertification map of Daqinggou area, Horqin grassland, rivers, swamps, roads, lakes, and residential areas
3. Data desertification attribute field:
Type, shapes, grassland, woodland, w'density, farmland
2. Projection information:
Angular Unit: Degree (0.017453292519943295)
Prime Meridian: Greenwich (0.000000000000000000)
Datum: D_Beijing_1954
Spheroid: Krasovsky_1940
Semimajor Axis: 6378245.000000000000000000
Semiminor Axis: 6356863.018773047300000000
Inverse Flattening: 298.300000000000010000
collect time | 1984/05/01 - 1984/05/31 |
collect place | Naiman Banner |
data size | 31.8 MiB |
data format | Vector |
Coordinate system | WGS84 |
Projection | +proj=longlat +ellps=krass +towgs84=15.8,-154.4,-82.3,0,0,0,0 +no_defs |
The data is digitized from the map of desertification type and land remediation division in Naiman Banner
Digital Vectorization
Data set quality control through strict manual audit
# | title | file size |
1 | 1:15万奈曼旗沙漠化类型及土地区划图(1982).rar | 30.9 MiB |
2 | 奈曼旗1_15万沙漠化类型及土地区划图-文档.rar | 952.7 KiB |
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