1、 The data is digitized from the map of development degree of desertification in daqintera (1958). The specific information of the map is as follows:
Editor in chief: Zhu Zhenda, Qiu Xingmin
Editor: Wang Yimou
Drawn by: Feng Yusun, Yao Fafen, Wu Wei, Wang Jianhua, Wang Zhoulong
Cartographer: prepared by Desert Research Office of Chinese Academy of Sciences
Publishing House: Xi'an map publishing house, unified Book No.: 12461.26
Scale: 1:100000
2、 Data is stored in ESRI ShapeFile format, including the following layers:
Desertification development degree map (1974): desertification1974.dbf, desertification1974.shp, desertification1974.shx, desertification1974.prj
Double river: river_double.dbf, river_double.shp, river_double.shx, river_double.prj
Single river: River ﹣ single.dbf, river ﹣ single.shp, river ﹣ single.shx, river ﹣ single.prj
Roads: road.dbf, road.shp, road.shx, road.prj
Lakes: lake.dbf, lake.shp, lake.shx, lake.prj
Street: stree.dbf, stree.shp, stree.shx, stree.prj
Railway: railway.dbf, railway.shp, railway.shx, railway.prj
Forest belt: tree ﹣ networks.dbf, tree ﹣ networks.shp, tree ﹣ networks.shx, tree ﹣ networks.prj
Residential areas: residential.dbf, residential.shp, residential.shx, residential.prj
Figure Outline: map ﹣ margin.dbf, map ﹣ margin.shp, map ﹣ margin.shx, map ﹣ margin.prj
1. Attribute fields and coding attributes of desertification development degree map: (1) desertification degree (type): semi shifting sand land, shapes of sand, grassland, woodland, w'density and farmland
(2) Sand forms: barchan dunes, flat sand land, undeveloped sand land, and cultivated dunes
(3) Grassland: Grassland
(4) Woodland: Woodland
(5) W'density: sparse woodlot
(6) Farmland: dry farming and abandoned farmland, irrigated fields
2. Projection information:
Angular Unit: Degree (0.017453292519943295)
Prime Meridian: Greenwich (0.000000000000000000)
Datum: D_Beijing_1954
Spheroid: Krasovsky_1940
Semimajor Axis: 6378245.000000000000000000
Semiminor Axis: 6356863.018773047300000000
Inverse Flattening: 298.300000000000010000
collect time | 1958/01/01 - |
collect place | Daqin Tara |
data size | 33.6 MiB |
data format | Vector |
Coordinate system | |
Projection | proj=longlat +ellps=krass +towgs84=15.8,-154.4,-82.3,0,0,0,0 +no_defs |
The development of desertification in daqintera (1958)
Image vectorization
Data set quality control through strict manual audit
# | title | file size |
1 | 1:10万大沁他拉沙漠发展化程度图(1958).rar | 29.8 MiB |
2 | 大沁他拉1_10万沙漠化发展程度图(1958年)-文档.rar | 3.8 MiB |
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